Eta model has been defined by Prof. Dr. Fedor Mesinger and Prof. Dr. Zavisa Janic. The new version of the model was developed in cooperation with Institute of meteorology of the University of Belgrade IMUB and NCEP Washington (National Centre for Environmental Prediction), USA.
The technological basis of Eta-2000 system represents an integrated system consisted of computer network, computer resources, network communication centre and a set of various tools that cover all functions of a Eta-2000 system. Eta-2000 system is a new generation of meteorological technologies and as such it performs all the necessary functions needed for running a meteorology centre like SEWA-Belgrade is, and provides the following:
Reliable weather forecast and early announcement of any meteorological and hydrological tempest.
Basis for modelling the atmospheric transport of pollution in a case of accidental nuclear and chemical disasters.
Higher level of reliability of the industrial and other systems who's functioning depends on weather, climate and water.
What is Corporate Identity?
Over the CI (Corporate Identity), the company becomes undoubtedly positioned and can be clearly identified. Besides that, the employees get better integrated.
CI is internally and externally expressed trough:
Corporate design: design, architecture, colours, forms, letter, logo, products, uniform.
Corporate communications: advertisements, billboards, brochures, magazines, employees, customers, manuals, slogans, fairs.
Corporate behaviour: guidance, damage remuneration (expenses remuneration), development of the personal, judgment, communication tone, conference style, criticism capability.
The effects are:
Coordination; Motivation; Efficiency; Synergy
Authenticity; Confidence; Acceptability; Sympathy
Why SEWA does need CI?
Services' marketing is primarily marked with the fact that for the non material services, an image must be build, which will become the decisive factor for the purchase.This means that companies that sell services must have a good corporate identity policy if they want to become successful. This also means that advertising, public relations, service and personal sale are important marketing instruments.
For SEWA as an contractor of the valuable ecological and meteorological services, the goal of the CI politics is the following:
1. Sales improvement (creating the need for our products);
2. Confidence build-up (creating an attachment to our company);
3. Improvement of working atmosphere and internal structures (work optimising).
1. Corporate object
As a full time service agency, SEWA offers independently of the target group, specific ecological and meteorological information and conceptual, technical and graphical solutions.
According to the profile and needs of the customer, SEWA offers content (package) from technical solution to personal presentation. Information is prepared in a way that it can be easily read and is regionally and thematically constructed, so that it can work with specific demands of the customer. SEWA cooperates with other disciplines.
SEWA offers meteorological services, software development, database development, model calculations and graphics development.
The provided services are:
Technical consultants in public organizations and private companies for the planning and the execution of environmental programs;
Environmental project management;
Development of environmental management plans in specific geographical units, as well as the execution of feasibility studies;
Execution of environmental impacts assessment studies on specific projects and plants;
Execution of special environmental studies for the protection and management of protected areas;
Engineering of pollution abatement plants (biological treatment facilities, landfill sites etc), as well as technical supervision from the construction to the start up;
Restoration of solid waste landfill sites and rehabilitation of polluted soils;
Operation and operation monitoring of pollution abatement plants;
Development of training packages and organization of training seminars on pollution abatement and environmental protection topics;
Development in the field of numerical weather forecast;
Modeling of the trans-boundary transport, transformation and deposition of air pollution;
Tourist weather browser;
Objective and subjective analysis of weather elements;
Weather in highly populated and most industrialized areas;
Tourist weather all over the Europe and world wide;
Business weather;
Agricultural weather;
Graphic solutions;
2. Corporate goals
Leadership on B2B (business to business) market as a ecological and meteorological content distributor in South-eastern Europe until year 2006. and in Europe until year 2010;
Healthy grow of the company;
Long term binding of users and satisfaction of users through valuable products and professional evaluation;
Loyalty to the customers and partnership relations;
Financial independency through solid financial planning;
Satisfaction of the employees and preservation of jobs;
Standardization of technology, content and quality;
Friendly attitude and pleasant communication;
Achieving the highly profitable solutions;
Environmental protection and social responsibility;
Equal and maximum usage of the capacities and productivity growth.
3. Target Group
The main target group for the SEWA company lies in the field of public sector and institutions that strive for better quality of the environment from legal and administrative point of view as well as from technical and technological perspective (climate change, air quality, forest management, water management, solid waste management). Other target groups can be found in the B2B field.
4. Strategy
Achieving leadership on the South-eastern European market in the field of ecological and meteorological work;
Reduction of costs through generation of self owned forecast models, measuring network and database;
Use of innovative technology and its integration in the system environmental protection;
SEWA-products as best quality service products;
Useful arguments for the each target group separately;
Cooperation instead of confrontation.